
Device groups

A group makes it easy to refer to a list of devices that have similar parameters and purpose.


We define it by providing:

  • the unique identifier (EUI) of the group
  • name
  • list of measurement names separated by commas
  • team - a list of user logins having read only access to this group
  • administrators - a list of user logins having full access to this group

We assign a device to a group by providing its name when defining this device.


  • The data of a device assigned to a group can be seen on the dashboards that present the data of this group. In particular, the device data of a group presented on a publicly accessible desktop automatically becomes available to any person who knows the address of that desktop.
  • When assigning a device to a group, pay attention to the list of measurement names. If the list of measurement names defined for the group is not a subset of such a list in the assigned device, the assignment is unlikely to be

Downloading group data

The data uploaded by the group's devices can be downloaded* as a file in CSV format. The range of downloaded data is limited to 31 days back from the selected end date.

© 2023-2025 Grzegorz Skorupa