LED type indicator light

Displays an icon whose appearance and color depend on the defined alert rule for the associated measurement.

The following illustration shows the appearance of the three LED lights sequentially for: no warning, warning and alert.


When configuring the `LED' light, fill in the fields:

  • EUI - identifier of the data source
  • Measurement names - name of the selected measurement transmitted by the selected data source (e.g. temperature, humidity, etc.) - one name
  • Alarm rule - a rule that makes the type of icon and its color dependent on the last measurement value
  • Icons - leaving this field blank, the default set oficons will be applied

Alarm rule

The rule determines what range of measurement values will mean an alarm value and what will mean a warning.

Syntax of the rule:

rule: {alertCondition}[:{warningConditon}][@variableName][#maxDelay] alertCondition|warningCondition: [variableName]{comparator1}{value}[[variableName]{comparator1}{value}] comparator: >|<


  • variableName - the name of the measurement
  • value - value
  • maxDelay - the maximum time from the last measurement to the present - older data will not be taken into account and in the absence of the latest data, the state of the control will be undetermined
  • if alertCondition or warningCondition contains conditions for 2 comparators, there is a logical OR condition between them

Definition examples:

x<-10>40:x<0>30<-10>40:<0>30<-10>40:<0>30@temperature<-10>40:<0>30@temperature#1h x<-10>40:x<0>30#2m

Declaring a set of icons

The standard set of icons can be changed by declaring them in the Icons field. Icons available in the project https://icons.getbootstrap.com/ are supported

Icon names must be separated by a colon :.

An example of the selected icons and the resulting appearance below.

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