Notification of device failures

One of Signomix's functionalities is the detection of data source or device outages.

The service reports as a problem situations when a data source stops sending data messages.

The mechanism for detecting such problems takes into account data sources that:

  • are marked as active,
  • have a data transmission interval greater than zero declared in the configuration,
    Situations when the device skips a minimum of two consecutive transmissions are reported as a problem.

Method of operation

Problem detection is run periodically with a frequency that depends on the type of user account:

  • every 20 minutes for free accounts
  • every 10 minutes for paid accounts

The different frequency of triggering problem detection and transmission intervals assigned to the device means that the time elapsing between the occurrence of a device failure and the reporting of the problem to the user will vary depending on the type of account.

For free accounts:

  • 20 to 40 minutes -> if the device transmits data more often than every 20 minutes
  • 2 * transmission interval + a maximum of 20 minutes -> if the device transmits less frequently than every 20 minutes

For paid accounts:

  • 10 to 20 minutes -> if device transmits more often than every 10 minutes
  • 2 * transmission interval + maximum 10 minutes -> if device transmits less frequently than every 10 minutes

Method of notifying users

Detected problems are reported to users:

  • to the owner of the device (the user who registered it),
  • member of the field resource (entered in the device configuration team field),
  • device administrators (entered in the device configuration administrators field).

The history of device performance problems is made available to the user after logging into the webapp under Infrastructure > Messages.

Notifications can also be sent as e-mail, SMS or to an external service (webhook)

© 2023-2025 Grzegorz Skorupa